This is a JavaScript function I often refer to for calculating BSA via various equations (rescued from the soon-to-be-shut-down parameterz googlecode repo).

function calcBSA(wt, ht, BSAMethod) {
    /// <summary>returns the body surface area in meters^2; calling with a single arg is assumed to be 'wt'</summary>    
    /// <param name="ht">height, units = cm</param>
/// <param name="wt">weight, units = kg</param> /// <param name="BSAMethod">optional; type = string (any of the following:"DuBois", "Haycock"(default), "Gehan", "Mosteller", "Boyd", or "Dreyer")</param> /// <returns>Number</returns> // allow for ht and method to be optional: if (!ht && !BSAMethod) { // only one arg was passed, 'wt' var BSAMethod = "Dreyer"; } else if (!BSAMethod) { var BSAMethod = "Haycock"; } switch (BSAMethod) { case "DuBois": return 0.007184 * Math.pow(ht, 0.725) * Math.pow(wt, 0.425); case "Haycock": return 0.024265 * Math.pow(ht, 0.3964) * Math.pow(wt, 0.5378); case "Gehan": return 0.0235 * Math.pow(ht, 0.42246) * Math.pow(wt, 0.51456); case "Mosteller": return Math.sqrt((ht * wt) / 3600); case "Boyd": wt = wt * 1000; var exponent = 0.7285 - 0.0188 * (Math.LOG10E * Math.log(wt)); //necessary to get the Log base 10 of (wt) return 0.0003207 * Math.pow(ht, 0.3) * Math.pow(wt, exponent); case "Dreyer": return 0.1 * Math.pow(wt, (2 / 3)); default: return 0.024265 * Math.pow(ht, 0.3964) * Math.pow(wt, 0.5378);// returns Haycock in the event an unfamiliar method is passed in } //end switch }