Dallaire et al., Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2015
BSA-adjusted z-scores for left-sided pulse wave Doppler and tissue Doppler imaging routinely used in a clinical setting.
As Z scores describe the normal limit of a healthy population, other studies are needed to further define the threshold above which health becomes a disease by integrating other important factors such as ventricular morphology, loading condition, and HR.
Note: this is a work-in-progress; there are 13 PW and 14 TD measures... these are the most common. Others will get rolled out as time allows.
Note: the study population had the following characteristics:
- BSA range: (0.43 - 2.2)
- age range: (1.3 - 18y)
Data entered for patients outside of these limits should be used with caution.
Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015 Feb;8(2).